Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hippity Hoppity! It's Easter!

Sooooo, yesterday I sat down with my darling daughter and tried to explain what Easter is all about. Remember folks, we are not a church-going family, so often some of these holidays leave me some 'splainin to do.

So, being the truthful mom that I tried to be, I explained the Christian/biblical history of Easter. I tied in Jewish traditions of Passover, and also worked into the Pagan traditions of the bunny and the eggs, and the celebration of light after the dark winter, welcoming spring and all that. And why Easter is on a different day every year.

As with all religious holidays, the more I try to explain them to the questioning mind of an 8 year old child who has never been to church, the sillier it all sounds. I think I'd rather explain sex than why we have chocolate bunnies in our basket on the day Christ rose from the dead!

Anyway, no matter what you believe or celebrate, Have a great day and enjoy time with family. Of course none of this stops me from celebrating the holiday to the fullest! Each year I hide my daughter's basket and write a series of goofy clues which are hidden in eggs that she has to find in order to get to the basket. It's always fun and gets more complicated each year.

The above pic was taken last Easter when she finally found her basket in my car. This year it's in the dryer.

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