Friday, April 24, 2009

Too many clothes!!!

I know what you're thinking, What girl can ever have too many clothes? I'm running out of room in my drawers and closet. And I also have bags of clothes tucked in the back of my closet. I haven't yet started putting my clothes in the guest bedroom closet, and frankly I REFUSE to!

I think I have a solution to my problem, but I'm having a hard time making it happen. The solution is to actually finally lose the weight I keep saying I'm gonna lose and then actually keep it off. The reason I have too many clothes is sad. A girl should have too many clothes because she loves fashion, however I have too many clothes because I have shit in my closet and drawers in every size from 8-20. It's like a boutique in there. I think if everything were the same size, I'd only need about half (or less!) of my closet.

Seriously - this is a burden!!!! The strange thing is most of the clothes I have saved in smaller sizes are really out of style. Even if I lost enough wait to fit into some of this stuff it would only be appropriate at a Halloween party. Although if I wait long enough some of those high waisted pleated jeans might come back in style. You never know.

Maybe next week I'll do a closet overhaul. It's going to be hard because I REALLY hate getting rid of clothes. And will the women at whatever shelter I donate to really want to wear my jeans and tops from the '90's? Who knows?

Knowing me I won't get rid of anything. And if I ever do fit back into that crap I plan to subject my friends to a horribly outdated fashion show of my skinny clothes! There will be alcohol involved for all!

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