Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday Morning

My husband is using up some vacation days and is home all this week. This will make it more challenging for me in my veggie world. Monday wasn't bad. I made spaghetti for dinner. And yes, I cooked the Italian Sausage in the sauce, but did not eat more than 1 little 1" chunk of the sausage. Say it with me people - "BABY STEPS!!!"

Not sure what's on the menu for tonite. Thinking about making some kind of spicey garlic chinese chicken dish. But I'm thinking of experimenting with tofu chunks for me and chicken for the family. I think I'll marinate them in some kind of ginger/garlic/teriyaki concoction for the day. We shall see.

Walked 3 miles this morning with the dog. Came home and jumped in the pool. Really friggin' humid out there. Gotta love the monsoon season.

Still no epilator = really hairy legs. Might braid them this morning. Peace man.

1 comment:

Rita said...

lisa, that is the combo I did

I soaked it overnight.

It was really good. Even two days later