Thursday, July 17, 2008

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

That shit hurt. Really hurt. What shit you ask? Well, my epilator (aka: hair-RIPPER-outer) finally arrived.

After a week of growing out my leg hair and wearing birks, the UPS man cometh and delivered my tool 'o torture. We were on our way out the door to go ice skating, but of course I had to drop everything and tear open the box and try it out without reading any instructions! eeeeeyyyyooouuuccchhhh!!!! sonofabitch!

After ice skating, dinner, and some wine (not enough) I went up to the bathroom to get started. Basically this gizmo has a rotating shaver type head with little clapping tweezer type thingies that grab your hair and pull it out from the roots. I liken it to getting a tattoo. It hurts. A little. Sometimes a lot. Some areas weren't so bad and other haireas (couldn't resist!) were ultra sensitive and made me want to punch someone due to the pain. But I took my time and made it through both legs.

My biggest mistake was leaving the wine in the kitchen! My legs are smooth. Once I realized that the thing itself couldn't really hurt me - the pain was from the hair ripping out - (i admit i was a little afraid that the thingy could tear the skin off my bones!) I got up the nerve to go after my moustachio. Overall I am pleased with the results and will continue with epilating.

I have the Braun 5270 which also has this really cool headlight on it. My old ass eyes would NOT have been able to see all the little hairs without the light.


Michelle said...

Ha! Found your blog through the WW Core Board. I have that exact torture device. I have only tried it on my arms and have not ventured anywhere else due to fear. Sometimes it hurts so much I get goosebumps. Other times it is a breeze. But last longer than shaving! Good luck with it!

Anonymous said...

Lisa you are certifiable! Can't believe you used that thing! YOu are a bigger girl than me (and I don't mean size and you know it).

Christ On a Core Cracker - have I taught you NOTHING - always take the wine with you!!!!!! Never leave a good wine behind!

Lori said...

You are braver than I am. Mine is sitting in a closet because I cannot tolerate the pain.

Plus I get nasty rash bumps when I use it.

GirlyBob said...

You are one brave woman!

Rita said...

I see mel is stealing my lines again. Which I stole from choco.


you are a nut, there is NO way I would use that.

Although I have no problem with waxing