A quick story from the beach. I've always loved the ocean and being at the beach is usually a very restful and spiritual experience for me. But it's truly been years since I waded out past my knees and really got into the water.
When I was younger (ahem) I used to love to Boogie Board and body surf. But with age and a fear of sharks, I stopped going out into the deeper water. NOT THIS TIME!!!
We went to Walmart and bought Loryn a pink boogie board. She had great fun with it riding the smaller part of the waves near shore. So I decided to give it a try. San Onofre Beach is known for being a surfing destination and having pretty decent waves. At first I was a little apprehensive and also rode the smaller waves near shore. But I was having such a great time that I decided to venture further out into the break water.
WOW! Am I ever glad I did. I was hoopin' and hollerin' nad having so much fun! There I was, 43 and fat and hanging out with a bunch of 11 year old boys. Funny though, after catching a few big waves and sucking down some ocean - I decided that all that salt water was making me crave a Margarita! So I wandered back to camp and made a jug of margaritas to take back to the beach.
Let me tell you - tequila and lime never tasted soooo good! After downing several I made my way back out to the break water. In the meantime the surf was getting larger and I felt very brave thanks to my newfound tequila confidence! HOLY SHIT! I was paddling after some fairly large waves and was having the time of my life. I ate it hard a few times, but didn't really care. It was the most fun I've had in years.